HSB (HSV) makes color adjustment easy. You can use HSB color model in most graphic design software. HSB components are hue (H), saturation (S) and brightness (B). When you understand what they do, yo...Read more
My teacher from Helsinki University, Department of Computer Science, has worked on combining human-centered design and agile software engineering at Reaktor since 2005, the beginning of that work. Als...Read more
I outlined a user-centered design process model in my earlier article, but did not put it in context. Despite novel, peer reviewed user- and human-centered design methods exist, the meanings of the te...Read more
The business models of Apple, Google and Facebook build on good user experience, and on collecting information on users on the other hand. With billions of service users, personal data of whole nation...Read more
Tanworth comb, an iron-age bronze comb (≈ 25–75 AD) What is Interaction Design – in Finnish? In a wider sense, user goals are taken as starting point, and interaction processes how these goals c...Read more
The size of a pixel has been about standard, 38 pixels per centimeter (96dpi). When you talked of “14 pixel Arial” size, you used to be understood correctly, just like when you would speak of "the...Read more
Drawing wireframes on touch screen has several benefits compared to paper. An interactive prototype is more convincing than a mere picture, and needs less documentation. Digital text is easy and fast ...Read more
A good service and user experience designer does two things: understands the needs that are related to a product or service, and creates solutions that fulfil these needs. The stages of creating and u...Read more
Usability testing and contextual interview are very similar methods. Many specialists just have a tendency to focus on narrow, strictly-beforehand-defined questions in usability tests. This approach d...Read more
A good standing posture. Your bike handlebar influences your posture. Hybrid bikes have a straight handlebar. It pulls shoulders forward, pretty much like working on a computer, which is not healthy f...Read more
I notice that I order usability test tasks usually in the following way: Participant's own tasks. "What did you do last when you used this? [...] Let's try this now." Structured tasks. "Your girlfrien...Read more
Not unlike the design ideal, Sacromonte and Alhambra in Granada, Spain are places of Simplicity and Elegance. Sacromonte is famous for its apartment caves and roots flamenco, a simple way of life. On ...Read more
In interactions between a usability expert and a customer, improving specialist expertise does not always enhance the customer's service experience. This is caused by the following forces: Problem bas...Read more